Friday, January 13, 2012

January WIPocalypse

Hopefully, this will be a pretty fast post, because it's happening during my free time at school. I've been spending my time at home getting a couple of things accomplished. Of course, in my life, there are always a great number of things on my to-do list, but I've been able to scratch off a couple of items.

As my first WIP finish for the year (hooray!), here are a few looks at Jeffrey's Stocking by Shepherd's Bush.
So sorry about the kooky lighting in this picture. I rushed to get home to catch some natural light, and I could only get direct sun right before it dropped behind the mountains.

Isn't this a great green glass leaf?

And look at the little snowman button! How do they do that face? OK, I know you're saying, "She spends way too much time with little kids." In my defense, their enthusiasm for wondering is contagious. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.  Anyway, as soon as I get this back from the finisher (no way am I sewing it together myself, incompetently), little Blake will have a stocking.

One more finish to add to my list, unofficially, was a pair of socks for a friend.

Tada! They're knitted from bamboo yarn, so they're very soft and they'll wear well. I'm thrilled with the brown and blue tones of the yarn.

I haven't decided which WIP will bite the dust next. I'm leaning toward something smaller, since I feel like I'm on a roll. I'm also suffering from a little stitchy ADD, and it's hard to stick to anything. We'll see what strikes me. 

That's it for now. Update completed. My long weekend starts at 3:30 ... woo hoo! Make some fun.


Jeanne said...

Love your projects, I wish I could knit but all I can do is a dishrag LOL.

Margaret said...

The stocking is so great! I love it! It's good to have a sense of wonder about things -- the snow man button is adorable! Love the socks too -- are you sure you knit them? They're so well made! (And what is that quilt under the socks pray tell???)

Enjoy your long weekend!

barbara said...

Great finishes! My feet envy the person who gets those gorgeous socks!

valerie said...

Great stocking Doris! I am working on the Sadie one right now. I have a couple of questions. Did you just stitch the charms and beads with regular DMC floss? And who is your finisher. No way am I finishing mine either! That snowman button is the cutest!

And great socks. They'll keep your friend's feet all toasty and warm.

Amiee said...

This is wonderful and I have also wondered about the itty bitty paintbrush they used for the snowmen faces!! Great progress

Laurie in Iowa said...

Both the socks and the stocking are lovely.

Unknown said...

Blake's stocking is darling. I am a fan of Shepherd's Bush anyway, but this is just darn cute!

The socks look soft and warm a great combination!

Angie said...

Lovely stocking. Awesome socks!

JOLENE said...

What a sweet stocking! And wouldn't I just love to slip my feet into those socks! Your friend will love them....smiles...

Siobhán said...

Woohoo!! Great finish on the stocking! I love all those little buttons that SB adds to their charm packs. Did you ever see the Ace of Cakes (or Cake Bosses? I'm not sure of the exact name.) episode where they make a cake with a SB stocking design? Pretty cool!

Great job on the socks, too!

staci said...

Congrats on both of your fabulous finishes! The stocking is just gorgeous and those socks look oh-so-cozy!

Giovanna said...

What a gorgeous stocking - congratulations!

Deb said...

Love your SB piece and just love those socks. That's one thing that I haven't tried to knit yet, but I think that I'm going to have to. I love yours.

Katrina said...

Cute socks and what a gorgeous stocking!!! I so need to do those for my family :-).

Brigitte said...

This stocking looks so great, it's absolutely beautiful. A finish is a great way to start the WIPocalypse. I love the SB stockings but have never stitched one myself.
I hope you spent a wonderful long weekend last week.

Faye said...

Hey Doris....Been meaning to give you a shout out~~ Hope you are having good school year...Keep up the great stitching~~ Faye PS Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog also!! Faye

Carmen said...

great finish, the stitching look so perfect.