Saturday, April 18, 2009

What I Did During the Not-So-Big Storm

I haven't told you lately how much I enjoy your comments. I was shocked to see so many today (figuring that weather isn't that exciting), and it's so fun to read them. Thank you all for letting me know you're out there and for making this bloggy stuff too much fun.

Why is bad weather so fun? Because we stay inside and get things accomplished! Here's what I did last night and a little of this morning ...

Yes, it should've been stitched in 2000, but it wasn't. I put 2000 on there because it goes with "years ago". I suppose I could've put "2009 - oops, late again", but it wouldn't fit and it's not exactly a Christmas sentiment. It's the Shepherd's Bush (of course) ornament from the 2000 Just Cross Stitch ornament edition. The bad news is that now I have to finish finish it for the 2009 Christmas Challenge. Please don't make me.

After I finished that cute little ornament, I was putting away some fabrics and things and came across this little scrap that I begged from the LNS when they cut some fabric for me the other day. It had a really ugly splotch on it, and they were just gonna throw it away! So I brought it home and treated it to a little coffee bath and oven sauna, and here's my first piece of coffee dyed (or maybe overdyed because the R&R girls had already taken a whack at it) and baked fabric ...

I know. Someone out there is thinking " big deal" or "whoop-dee-doo" (obviously not a primary teacher, because we're rather easily impressed), but we all have to start somewhere, right? I like it so much that I'm already on the lookout for larger not-quite-loved pieces of fabric from my stash to treat to a spa day in my kitchen. It's the perfect size for my next Christmas ornament (you can hear the wheels turning, can't you?), which I will share next month (the power of positive thinking).

Now for today's ridiculous moment share (or maybe overshare). I told you about poor Merlin, who is doing pretty well, considering. Did I tell you about the semi-violent and terribly messy kitty wrestling matches I've had while forcibly medicating him? Together we've been responsible for multiple pink Amoxicillin spots dripped and splashed on carpets and floors and walls throughout my humble abode. We even managed to sling a spot onto my favorite purple chair (gasp)! I know! That took some scrubbing, let me tell you. Sorry, I'm rambling. As I was gazing upon my almost-constant companion (no, not Merlin, even though he's become velcro kitty), And They Sinned, I noticed (yep, you guessed it) a pink spot (huge sobbing gasp)! I know! It's right there on the spotted sheep's butt!

Thank goodness it's the only spot (that I've found). One of my afternoon tasks will be removing the offending stain (huge pain in the ass, considering that I could be stitching some unstitched area) and replacing it with some clean Straw Bonnet. Medicating cats (even old man cats) can be dangerous to people (no, I haven't photographed my scratches), as well as carpets, upholstery, paint, and (sniff) needlework. Learn from my mistakes, sweet friends.

I'm off now to spend some time on personal grooming (someone's still in their jammies) and laundry. Love ya ... mean it. Make some fun.


staci said...

Oh Doris, how you make me laugh and smile! I don't mean to laugh at the pink spot on the sheep's butt...but, well I did. I'm so sorry~~best of luck getting it out (I hope the sheep isn't overmedicated!)

Your fabric came back from it's spa day looking so lovely and vibrant~~if only it were that easy for us mere mortals.

And love the SB ornie...those are on my to-do list. At least you've got the first one done, hurray!

And hey, the sun's trying to come out here :)

Deb said...

I know that medicating your poor cat isn't funny, but you made me really crack a smile reading about that. I've had cats (and dogs) so I know just what a task this can be! But dang - I can't believe some of that stuff got on ATS. Thank goodness it was on a part that can be ripped out (poor sheepie's butt) and not on some piece of exposed fabric! I do love your SB ornie too. SB's seem to be a great thing to stitch every once in a while - usually quick and so pretty when finished! And I'm going to definitely try the fabric day spa thing - I guess if I can't get that type of treatmentfor myself, my fabric should, right? Yours came out really nice.

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Hey Doris! What a couple of days you've had! Productive and painful but it makes for good writing, doesn't it? I'd just frog that pink on the sheep rather than trying to remove the stain.

Hope Merlin's feeling better and I love your SB ornie. I have that series, i think (didn't they put it out in a chart?) and really should stitch some of them.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

Ranae said...

o.k. you just made me feel better about our cat stepping in the paint and leaving little paw prints on my hardwood floor and not my stitching. Sorry you have to restitch it, just think it could be alot more than that.
Cute SB finish.
I hope Merlin is feeling better.

Loraine said...

I think all stitchers reading this blog, took a big gasp when reading about the pink spot on the sheeps rear end! Actually I think it's sort of cute. (the pink spot, not the bugger of a cat!) If ATS was not the "Mother of all stitching projects" I would leave it, so you could always remember Merlin. But then again, maybe you don't want to!

Have a good one!

Diane (di) said...

As I'm reading your blog, did you hear my Noooooooooooooooo!! when I got to the ATS part? Thank goodness that was the only spot!! Great job on the spa day you gave your fabric... I really gotta stop being so chicken and give it a try. I LOVE that SB ornie. I've got 3 or 4 done so far and I need to finish the series. I know there's a chart in my stash somewhere that I need to hunt down (you, enabler, you)! :)

Katrina said...

Oh Doris, I am so glad there was only one spot on ATS and you can unpick it. If it were me I would have had to been forcibly sedated after finding the spot, LOL. Poor kitty!

Your non-storm was our big storm :-). We finally started thawing out yesterday afternoon.

Patricia Lessell said...

Boy Doris am I ever glad for you that there was only one spot on ATS which can easily be frogged. I do wish Merlin better though. Love Patti xxx

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

Doris you sound like such a cool person when you talk in your blog....funny sometimes too. Love to read your blog.
I love the way the fabric turned out. I have only coffee stained once and that was because I spilled coffee on it, so I said what the heck? and it turned out better. But that time while its in there is like holding your breath, isn't it?
By the way, my chihauhau, Ren, can sling some medicine too.

Brigitte said...

I WAS gasping, you can bet, when reading about the pink spot, but also laughed after seeing it on the sheep's butt, lol. I think I'd also restitch that little sheepie.
The SB ornie looks so nice. Now on to the finish finishing, lol.

Anonymous said...

Very enjoyable post.
I bake my coffee/tea/walnut ink-dyed linens in the microwave... fast & furious.
Like my doggie when I try to make her swallow her medicine in the morning... :-(

Annemarie said...

Well, I'm sorry for all the fights you have with Merlin in order to give the poor beast its medicine, and I'm verrrry happy for you that it's only one tiny stain, but as for me? I'd leave it there. I think the sheep looks totally cute with its pink butt, and it makes the sampler very unique, you have to admit :o)
Huge congratulations on a dye-job well done. Haven't tried the baking yet, but I may some day.
Your SB ornie is sweet!

Siobhán said...

ROFLOL!! I know, I shouldn't laugh at the pink sheep's butt, but it is kinda funny. Hey, you surely remember how the sheep here are marked with different colored blobs to denote which farmer owns them... you could always leave it in & say that pink is your branding mark. Or blame it on the cat.

Love your ornament! YGG! I'm supposed to be doing one per month and I haven't done that since February. Story of my life. Love the fabric, too!

Von said...

Do let us know if you're successful with the pink spot - so sorry you're having to do that. You can pat yourself on the back for being such a greenie and recycling that unloved piece of linen - and it's Earth Week too! :D

Coni said...

Pink spot? What pink spot? I don't see a thing....perhaps you're just imagining it?

Yoyo said...

Medicating any house animal is never fun but you do make it pretty entertaining, sorry, I laughed too. Hope you that offending pink spot out though.I love that you left the original year on your Shepard's Bush, it does go with the Years Ago. And your fabric spa day turned out really well. I have saved several fabric pieces in the same why, I'm even thinking that may have been the original reason for the ever popular over-dyed fabrics we pay so much for today. We finally got a bit (a tiny bit) of sunshine, how about you?

Jan said...

Doris, you are such a delight, I love reading your posts!:) So sorry to hear of the pinkie stains, but oh so funny reading about it! You are a good cat momma to Merlin and I think he knows it!

I love your dye creation!! Wonderful just wonderful, and I am going to do the same someday soonish!! That SB ornament is swell!

Erica said...

Boy oh boy can I relate to pink amoxy spilled and spewed everywhere! It has become a way of life here!
Thanks so much for your kind comments on my rug! They really gave me a lift!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just love reading your blog!!! You just make my day!!!!
I love the fabric that you dyed. It looks great. I am going to have to try that dye-bath/baking/coffee staining technique!

Anna van Schurman said...

Oh no! That is heart breaking. I hope next time the kitty meds come out, the stitching gets a raincoat to wear.