In order to get started, I first wanna show you a picture of how I usually collect orts. Here is a pile of them on the corner of my purple (the crappy pic has bad, bad colors) chair cushion.
I put yesterday's orts and stitchy trash into it already. After a while, I'll probably start a different jar for the stitchy trash and give the orts their own jar. We'll see. This SAL suits me just perfectly. The next post of my ort jar will be April 25th. Lovely, isn't it?
I know there are many of you out there who are fascinated with Adam and Eve. I'm completely taken with them. Well, my stitchy friends, you may wanna have a look at someone else's idea of the happy couple. If you go to Missy's blog and scroll down a bit, you'll see her ATS in progress, complete with an anatomically correct representation of Eden's couple (gasp). I know! It's funny and quite creative. She's talented and her blog is very entertaining and highly irreverent (my favorite kind of humor). Go check it out, if you dare.
The uncovered A & E are especially funny to my family because of a kindergarten experience that my son Dylan had. He was given a bear picture on which he was directed to draw clothing. Instead of clothing, Dylan drew the missing parts on the bear (that's my boy). Of course, I received a call from a rather disturbed Mrs. Luna. She had kept him in during recess to redo the bear picture in a more acceptable (to her) manner, and I was summoned to her classroom to discuss the matter. As I recall, she was disappointed that I wasn't upset. I laughed more than once while we were talking, but I was pretty mad that she'd made such a big deal about it. Call me crazy, but it seemed a better idea to say, "That's very nice, Dylan, but let's put some clothing on the bear now." Kindergarteners are five and six, and most males of any age (in my experience) have their equipment on their minds most of their lives. My whole family still laughs about it today, 22 years after the incident.
Hope your week is off to a great start. Make some fun!
:blush: Thank you so much. I have to admit I was worried that a bunch of people would hate my A&E but I've heard nothing but positive things.
And I love your blog! All those ATS pictures. And 3 ATS laid out together... that's swoon worthy.
ROFLOL!! Love the story about your son. It reminds me of when my older daughter was in preschool & one of the girls in the class was asking everybody to go to the bathroom with her, to ensure that they all had the same body parts. My daughter decided to announce this when my in-laws were in the US on their first visit, as we were standing in front of the Liberty Bell. LOL
I saw the anatomically correct A&E. Very funny!
Have fun with the totally useless SAL. I really need to do that, too, because my ort collection resembles your before-picture!
I think we've all had those moments with our kids where one adventurous boy (or girl) would want to compare parts! LOL I too saw the anatomically correct ATS and thought it was a hoot! Never would go over there though - the other family members would have fits and probably put black duct tape over the offending parts! And that Totally Useless SAL is pretty funny. My girlfriend clued me in to that this weekend!
Doris, I always love it when you are always so funny and entertaining! Love the story of your son, I would probably have reacted much the same way. Teachers take things way too seriously sometimes and that in itself becomes a problem!
Gosh I need to do that SAL...all you do is share a pic of your jar/whatever on your blog and sign up and that is it?
What a great post! I went over and saw Missy's A&E - what a hoot - if only I were that clever! I had her blog on my favorites list before I ever started blogging and one night, I'd forgotten about it and found it in the history link on the computer. For a minute, I held my breath, afraid to open it to find out what my boys had been looking at! Her blog name sounded suspicious!!
ROFLMAO!!! that is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time!!! I'd be proud if that was my son too!!!
keep up the good work on ATS. It's looking great!!!
LOL funny story about your son. I am sure that is not the first time the teacher had an incident like that.
Missy's A&E is a total hoot, lol.
We post the pictures of our orts collected in a glass jar on full moon nights only... Another crazy SAL...
Oh what an entertaining post this is. Loved your son's story.
And I also went over to Missy's blog. I had to laugh so hard that I nearly spilled my tea and that DH came over and wanted to see what I was laughing about. This A & E version is a hoot.
Too too funny!! I think if Michaelangelo can be anatomically correct, so can we stitchers and bear artists. :D
Love the 'totally useless sal' what fun. I love that you use your orts for stuffing material. My orts will be used for papermaking and for felting.
Your son's experience at school is a 'hoot', I also would have been laughing. Sometimes teachers need to lighten up!!
Have a great weekend - Roberta
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